From prison to the European Parliament: the extraordinary story of Ilaria Salis
EDITORIAL – The story of Ilaria Salis, a 39-year-old Italian teacher arrested and imprisoned in Hungary in February 2023, is attracting international media attention and raising fundamental questions about human rights and justice in Europe. This case is not just a legal matter but a symbol of political and social struggle, involving activists, politicians, and citizens across the European Union.
Who is Ilaria Salis?
Ilaria Salis is a teacher from Monza, a staunch anti-fascist and activist for social rights, graduating with honors in History from the University of Milan. Her passion for teaching led her to work at an elementary school in Milan. Her life took a drastic turn in February 2023 when she was arrested in Budapest on charges of assault and belonging to a violent anti-fascist organization.
The arrest and the charges
Ilaria was arrested on charges of assaulting two men during the ‘Day of Honor‘ celebrations, an event attended by neo-Nazis from across Europe. According to Hungarian prosecutors, Salis allegedly attacked a man mistakenly believed to be a right-wing extremist and a prominent far-right musician, László Dudog. Despite the seriousness of the allegations, the two assaulted men did not file a complaint.
A controversial trial
The trial of Ilaria Salis has been characterized by delays, contested charges, and harsh treatment that has sparked international outrage. During hearings, Salis has been brought to court in chains, a treatment described as medieval and inhumane. Despite pressure and appeals from the Italian government, requests for transfer to house arrest in Italy have been repeatedly denied.
Political and diplomatic interventions
The case has attracted the attention of top-level Italian politics. Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani have taken diplomatic steps to try to alleviate Ilaria’s situation. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has also urged Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to respect human rights and ensure a fair trial for the Italian teacher. President Mattarella also called Roberto Salis following a letter sent to the Quirinal Palace.
Candidacy in the european elections
Ilaria Salis ran as a candidate in the 2024 European elections with the Alliance of Greens and Left (Avs) list. Her candidacy was seen as a way to raise public awareness and push the European Union to uphold the principles of the rule of law. On May 23, 2024, after over 15 months in detention, Ilaria was placed under house arrest in Budapest pending trial.
Election to the European Parliament
The European elections on June 8-9, 2024, resulted in a surprising outcome: Ilaria Salis was elected as a Member of the European Parliament. This event has opened new possibilities for her situation, as parliamentary immunity now applies. However, it remains uncertain whether Hungary will respect this immunity or if a dispute will arise between the European Parliament and Budapest, as legal and diplomatic issues are still ongoing.
The hope is that this story leads to greater awareness and concrete action to protect the rights of all European citizens.
The importance of human rights and citizen protection
Calabria Magnifica‘s decision to dedicate an editorial to Ilaria Salis, following the recent European elections, responds to several relevant and current reasons. Ilaria Salis’s story represents a struggle for human rights and against injustice, and her election brings to the forefront themes such as the treatment of detainees and the role of the European Union in protecting its citizens, issues of great interest to our readers.
Ilaria’s case has had significant repercussions on the relations between Italy and Hungary, providing an opportunity to examine diplomatic and political challenges in Europe. Despite Ilaria Salis not being from Calabria, her story, candidacy, and election demonstrate the importance of active participation in political life, serving as an encouraging example for citizens to become more involved.
Furthermore, Ilaria’s case is one of the most closely followed by international media, and providing an in-depth look into this story helps keep our readers informed about the latest developments. Telling Ilaria Salis’s story not only meets an informational need but also represents an act of solidarity and a call to uphold human rights and justice in Europe. Calabria Magnifica continues to fulfill its role as an informant and advocate of democratic values and civil rights, offering its readers a comprehensive and current overview of one of the most relevant topics of the moment.
ARTICLE AVAILABLE IN ITALIAN: Ilaria Salis: dall’arresto in Ungheria alle elezioni europee